Top Tips for Keeping your Sanity with Twins

By Guest Blogger Whitney Webster

Welcome to the world of twins! While the tips below are written from my experience (I am a mother of 14 month old twins and a 3 1/2 year old daughter), most of these can apply to moms who are raising any number of children. Anything that can help me keep my sanity is always a plus. I hope these will help you encounter smooth days with less stress!

1. Stay on a feeding schedule. I think this is easier said than done. I was not very good about sleep schedules, but I did stay on a feeding schedule. I always would wake one up after the feeding the other one. It was easier that way, especially in the middle of the night so you weren’t constantly getting up. Staying on a schedule will help you get more sleep!

2. Allow extra time for anything. It always seems like when you are in a hurry that you can’t find what you need or someone has a dirty diaper or spits up. I always try and add an extra 10-20 minutes to us getting out the door for any occasion, especially Sunday mornings.

3. Say yes. When people offer to help, to bring dinner, to let you nap, say yes. I know this is not always easy for moms, but when people offer to help you, you should let them. And most people who are asking really want to help.

4. Ask for help. If you need help ask someone. I have a good friend that would occasionally come over for a period of about 4 hours when I was on maternity leave. That would help me get through two feedings. She would feed one baby and I would feed the other. It also was nice to have someone socialize with.

5. Get out. I know it seems like a lot to get out with two babies but this is important. I would suggest any outings (especially by yourself with both babies) right after a feeding and that gives you a couple hours before they are hungry. When you go anywhere with twins though you feel like a celebrity so make sure you allow ample time when making a run to Target.

6. Be Prepared. When you do go out, even if you think it is going to be a short trip, make sure you have plenty of everything. I always make sure I have 6 diapers, sippy cups (bottles when they were younger) and plenty of snacks. You never know how long you may be gone and you want to make sure you have everything you need. I also keep a chance of clothes, extra wipes and diapers in the car just in case.

7. Make time for yourself. You are home all day by yourself while on maternity leave and your husband is at work, and having some sort of break even if it is work. Make time to meet friends for dinner, have a pedicure, a massage or just go the grocery store by yourself.

8. Be Flexible. It is hard enough when you are trying to get one baby to do what you want to but two babies often seems like more than double the work. Know that as hard as you try and stay on schedule it may not always work.

9. Relax. Things are not going to go always go smoothly. I think if you are more relaxed and not so high strung the babies will sleep better and be more laid back naturally.

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One Comment

  1. Yes “Going out” was my goal with our, now 3-year old twins. And we did really good with it…until they no longer sat quietly in the cart and wanted to run around the store. It’s really hard to watch two kids running in opposite directions! But we learned quickly-only one out at a time! But most days I’ll just wait till daddy gets home! Lol!

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