What Are Your Kids Reading?

Reading is a favorite pastime in our house. My husband and I are constantly buying, borrowing and swapping books with each other, friends and family. We all know reading is a good habit to have, and we’re seeing it rub off on our kids too!

But here’s the dilemma: If someone asks me to recommend a good adult book, I can rattle off a bunch without a blink. But when it comes to picking out good books for my kids (especially my early chapter book reader), I’m at a complete loss. So I thought today we could offer one another book ideas for kids of all ages.

To get us started, I listed the top five children’s books in different categories from the most recentNew York Times Bestsellers list. These are obviously bestselling contemporary books (not the classics we all grew up with), and they are not really grouped by age. I also added my own list of favorite “Children’s Series.” Some I enjoyed growing up, others my  daughter is reading and loving, and some I just wonder about.

So take a look at these lists and let us know your thoughts. Are there must-reads on these lists? Why, and for what ages? Much like we did with our summer book blog for moms, let’s swap some cool reads for our kids.

From the NY Times Bestseller’s List:

Children’s Picture Books

SILVERLICIOUS, written and illustrated by Victoria Kann
A SICK DAY FOR AMOS MCGEE, by Philip C. Stead. Illustrated by Erin E. Stead
OF THEE I SING, by Barack Obama. Illustrated by Loren Long
WHEN I GROW UP, by Al Yankovic. Illustrated by Wes Hargis
LEGO STAR WARS, by Simon Beecroft

Children’s Chapter Books

I AM NUMBER FOUR, by Pittacus Lore
THE LOST HERO, by Rick Riordan
THE RED PYRAMID, by Rick Riordan
MOON OVER MANIFEST, by Clare Vanderpool
WITCH AND WIZARD, by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet

Children’s Paperback Books

THE BOOK THIEF, by Markus Zusak WITCH AND WIZARD, by James Patterson and Gabrielle Charbonnet
FALLEN, by Lauren Kate
THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIAN, by Sherman Alexie. Illustrated by Ellen Forney
HUSH, HUSH, by Becca Fitzpatrick

Children’s Series

THE HUNGER GAMES, by Suzanne Collins
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, written and illustrated by Jeff Kinney
HOUSE OF NIGHT, by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
MAGIC TREE HOUSE, by Mary Pope Osborne. Illustrated by Sal Murdocca

You can view the current NY Times complete list by clicking here.

My List of “Children’s Series” – Would You Recommend, or No?

Encyclopedia Brown
Hardy Boys
Nancy Drew
Judy Blume
American Girl
Henry & Mudge
Junie B. Jones
Captain Underpants
Amelia Bedelia
Ramona and Beezus

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