Networking for Women – Local or National is Now Convenient and Innovative

By TMoM Team Member Dennette Bailey

In continued celebration of Women’s History month, TMoM would like to help those of you who have either promised yourselves that you would find a group to network with or you would like to find a group to share some common aspirations with. Networking groups are no longer just your sit and meet groups from yesteryears. There are now a plethora of ways to network. Before the pandemic, networkers were expected to go to a specific meeting place. However, location will no longer impede you from joining a network, and as a result you may be more likely to find a networking group that will be a great fit for you.

In the Triad, consider Triad NetWorks. TNW describes themselves as “the first and most productive business networking organization in the North Carolina Piedmont Triad. TNW is open to accomplished business owners and sales professionals who are seeking to grow their businesses. This group meets twice a month and their format is to exchange business leads and referrals, acting as confidential resources for their clients and other business colleagues.” You can check out more on their website at

Another great local resource for anyone looking to network with entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs is the Small Business Center at Forsyth Technical Community College. While they do not have specific meetings or networks for women, they offer many opportunities for people who are in business or looking to be in business to learn from professionals as well as each other. As a result, organic networking opportunities can present themselves. It is likely your local community college or university also has opportunities for community members to network in the same manner.

The local chamber of commerce in your city is also a great resource for networking. They usually offer small groups that meet on a weekly or biweekly basis. As a result of the pandemic your local chamber may be offering these networking groups virtually. Joining your local chamber is an excellent opportunity to become involved in the community and get to know other business owners in your area.

Since the pandemic, networking groups have been meeting virtually, and as a result, people have many more opportunities to meet people of diverse backgrounds from all over the world. Many are finding that the usual and local networks are still available but even better because they meet virtually as well.

Such networks to consider include:

National Black Women’s Network

Founded in 1999, the National Black Women’s Network (NBWN) is a non- profit organization dedicated to increasing the representation, progression and inclusion of women of color in all sectors of business, professions and government. They provide network support, leadership, mentoring and access to events featuring industry leaders. They focus on providing a platform for women and the recognition of women on a national level. Find out more about NBWN HERE.


EVERYWOMAN is a woman’s network that supports women on a global level. They provide educational materials and a variety of resources and digital tools to aid women in their business ventures. Learn more about EVERYWOMAN at

 Women In Networking

Women In Networking (WIN) empowers professional women and female entrepreneurs to exchange customer referrals, leads, share knowledge and offer support for professional growth and prosperity. They have various chapters around NC. You can find them HERE.

Meet Up

There are also social media platforms that one can join and as a result have access to people from all over the world. One such platform is Meet Up. Meet up is a social media platform that offers a variety of networking opportunities for women. Participants simply locate the city and number of miles with the city location they wish to participate in to become a part of a network. One can find a variety of groups ranging from entrepreneurs, women over 50, parent groups and more.

Consider thinking outside of the box when looking for networking groups. Another resource you might want to consider is TMoM’s directory of local Mom Groups. Networking does not only involve people in business. It can develop organically as a result of people helping one another and realizing common goals, aspirations and interests. Church groups, parent groups or any group can eventually become or provide an opportunity for networking. Let your imagination and your aspirations lead you!

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