Tips for Two Under Two

Tips for Two Under Two

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Having two under two might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s a unique and rewarding challenge many parents face. If you’re raising two kids under two, you’re juggling diapers, naps, mealtime, and playtime for both a baby and a toddler. The key to thriving with 2 under 2 is preparation, patience, and flexibility. In this post, we’ll cover essential tips to make life a little easier, from sleep management to keeping both kids entertained, and explore the pros and cons of having two under two.

Two Under Two Meaning

The phrase two under two simply refers to having two children who are less than two years apart in age. While having two kids so young can be a whirlwind, many parents appreciate that their children will have a built-in playmate as they grow. That said, having two under two requires a lot of energy and time management, as both kids will likely still be in diapers, and at least one will need to be carried most of the time.

Pros and Cons with Two Under Two

There are clear pros and cons to having two kids under two. On the positive side, your children will likely become very close and enjoy playing together as they grow older. Their developmental stages will overlap, which can be convenient for activities and even schooling.

On the downside, parenting two under two can be physically exhausting. You’ll be in the thick of diapers, teething, and sleepless nights with both children simultaneously. It can also be difficult to find enough one-on-one time with each child, and managing the needs of both can feel overwhelming at times.

However, as time passes, you’ll likely appreciate the fact that your children are so close in age. They’ll share many milestones, and while the early years can be challenging, those same challenges will soon be behind you.

How to Manage Sleep with Two Under Two

One of the most challenging parts of having two kids under two is sleep. A newborn’s sleep schedule is unpredictable, while a toddler may have a more regular routine. The key is syncing naps when possible. When the baby naps, try to have your toddler nap or engage in quiet time. If both children nap at the same time, use this as an opportunity to rest, recharge, or tackle small tasks.

Investing in white noise machines can help each child sleep through any noise caused by the other. Create a calm bedtime routine for both kids, such as reading a book together or having a warm bath. Consistency is key in getting both of them on track, though it might take some time. Managing your own sleep is just as important. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from a partner, family member, or friend to ensure you get the rest you need.

How Do You Carry Multiple Kids?

When it comes to getting around with two under two, having the right gear is a lifesaver. A baby carrier can be your best friend, especially when you need to be hands-free while handling the toddler. Babywearing can also help you bond with your infant while keeping your toddler close.

Best Stroller for Two Under Two

Best Stroller for Two Under Two

For longer outings, a double stroller for baby and toddler like this best seller on amazon is essential. Look for one that accommodates both ages. I actually much preferred a wagon while I had my two under two living in downtown Boston. We walked almost everywhere. I got rid of my car and just borrowed by husband’s when needed. It was easier to put them in there vs. loading them both up in the car and driving around the city. We had this wagon. It had a universal adapter that I could click my infant seat in. I liked while still being able to have the space below. My toddler could just lay down flat in the bottom when she needed a nap. When you’re shopping, opt for stores with double shopping carts that allow you to seat both children safely. These little conveniences can make outings far more manageable.

How Do You Entertain Multiple Kids?

Entertaining two little ones who are close in age requires creativity. Your toddler may need more engagement, while the baby will be content with simpler stimuli. One trick is to include your toddler in activities with the baby. For example, they can help you with tummy time, or you can set up a sensory bin that both kids can enjoy together.

Outdoor play is also a great way to entertain both kids. A trip to a park where your toddler can run around while your baby enjoys the fresh air in a stroller or carrier is a simple yet effective outing. At home, create a rotating schedule of activities to keep the toddler engaged while the baby is napping or resting. Books, puzzles, and building blocks (we love this block set) are good for solo play, while music and dancing can entertain both kids at the same time.

Baby and Toddler Groups Near You

In the Triad, you’ll find a variety of options for baby and toddler groups near you.  Connecting with other parents going through similar experiences is invaluable when you have two under two. Baby and toddler groups help children socialize but can also provide a much-needed outlet for parents to share advice, swap stories, and form friendships. Look for local libraries, churches, and community centers that offer classes or playgroups or click the link above for a list we put together. Many gyms also offer childcare services that cater to both babies and toddlers, giving you a chance to unwind while your little ones play.


Having two kids under two is a unique parenting experience filled with its own joys and challenges. By finding the right routines, investing in the right gear, and connecting with other parents, you can make life with two under two more manageable and rewarding. While it may feel overwhelming at times, remember that this phase is temporary, and your children will grow up close in age, likely forming a bond that lasts a lifetime. Stay flexible, ask for help when needed, and most importantly, cherish the moments—no matter how chaotic they may be.

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