The Slightly Lopsided Seesaw

The Slightly Lopsided Seesaw

By Guest Blogger Hillary Zaken Dear working parent, I see you. I see you juggling work and childcare and self-care and your home and your chores and your relationship and your community involvement and your children’s extra-curricular activities, striving for that...
In Defense of Summer

In Defense of Summer

By Guest Blogger Laura Simon In one of my earliest memories, I am running across my childhood backyard, one hand grasping the sparkly baton I had saved all of my Vacation Bible School tokens to purchase. I loved that baton, with the sparkly tinsel on the inside, and...
Create a Contract with Your Child

Create a Contract with Your Child

By Guest Blogger Stacy Leighton with Forsyth Family magazine I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Ready? Since the dawn of time, every parent has flown by the seat of his or her pants. Just when you think you have a handle on this child guidance thing,...
Five Tools Every Family Needs

Five Tools Every Family Needs

By Guest Blogger Stacy Leighton with Forsyth Family magazine I’m not going to lie – parenting is tough! The “picture perfect families” in glossy ads? That’s just false advertising. Real families are messy. There will be days without showers, nights without...
The Messy Truth

The Messy Truth

By Guest Blogger Laura Simon Maybe you’ve see the meme circling social media. It lists a set of age-appropriate chores for children, and pictures a mother and young daughter, both dressed straight out of Little House on the Prairie. The child is sewing something with...